Thursday, February 28, 2013
Monday, February 11, 2013
The Yellow Wallpaper and the Feminist Lens
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Marxism in Art
From paintings, to music, to protests, to health care--Marxist theory abounds. Let's try applying the Marxist lens to the following paintings.
"Hollywood" by Thomas Hart Benton"Power Games" by Roland Rafael Repczuk
"Pigstown Council Annual Meeting" by Jalaini Abu Hassan
"Liberation of Baghdad" by Sandow Birk
"In Smog and Thunder" by Sandow Birk
"Pyramid of Capitalist System"
"The Garden of Eden"
"A Painting for a Government Poster" by John Falter
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Is This Russia?
Fact Check: Decoding Obama's Health Care Plan (Make sure you read the text pf the article--don't just watch the video. The text gives the opposing viewpoints to the video.)
The Truth--Lott's Numbers, Part II
The Obama Plan
Now--be sure to connect what you've read in these sources and what you've read of Marxist criticism in order to determine whether we are indeed, trending towards socialism in regards to the proposed health care plan. Remember to be very specific and to cite facts and examples--don't just spout off.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
By Between the Bars and Goonie
We see androgyny everywhere these days from David Bowie to Hillary Clinton. Androgyny is the mixing of feminine and masculine characteristics. That can be in how we dress, how we look, and how we act.
Lets take a look at the 50's as an example.In this time all women wore dresses for the most part and wore high heels and curled their hair.
Now women in the workforce have become androgynous by wearing suits similar menswear. Have they lost their femininity? This would be psychological androgyny because women do this to show that they have just as much strenght as their male counterparts.
Another example of psychological androgyny is in the video posted above of the band Of Montreal. The lead singer Kevin Barnes displays feminine qualities in his appearence, voice, and his persona on stage. This was probably strongly influenced by David Bowie who made androgyny popular in the 1980's.
Androgyny can be confused with bisexuality, transgender, and believing you were born the wrong gender. For these people they do not always feel that they fit into specific gender role norms. Is "not fitting in" an issue that is recent (after 60's) in American society? Are defined gender roles important in a society? Do you think that androgynous characteristics have become part of the norm, or are they still looked at as outcasts and why?
Here is a link to a magazine called Androgyny to see more of the styles for men and women
Friday, September 18, 2009
The Book of James 1 Daemonology

and King James the I of England"
The Divided Chapters of each book can be found at:
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Violence, the Death Drive and Everything
So what's up with our centuries long obsession with sax and violins? Why do we want to read The Inferno and not the Paradiso? Why are we always involved in "death work"? Reference Tyson's section on the death drive and give us a few answers. (I love how I have students to answer life's important questions for me!)