Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Stranger. . .through the Feminist Lens

In applying a feminist lens to your reading of Camus' The Stranger, what results do you get?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Lacan and Meursault

And then again, is Meursault stuck in the Mirror Stage? Because of some dysfunction in his relationship with his mother, does he still attempt to control the world by perceiving it as merely a physical extenstion of himself?

The Characters We Love to Hate. . .or Do We?

As she stated in class, Brittni hates Meursault. In her reflection, she writes that he "reminds (me) of the characters in movies that are trying to hard to be indie". But what I appreciate about her insight is that although she dislikes Meursault, Brittni sees relative merit in Camus' novel. Another interesting point that Brittni brings up in her reflection: did Meursault shoot the Arab "largely due to a build up of repressed emotion"? Kyle Ellison's group discussed that the murder was an assertion of Meursault's masculinity. And then again, Brittni sees a parallel between Salamano and his dog and Meursault and his mother. How do you connect these connections? Or do you?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Sartre and Responsibility

Existentialist thinker Jean Paul Sartre said that basically, we are responsible for everything except for the fact that we are responsible for everything. In other words, we do choose--"we alone confer meaning on an alarm clock in the morning, we alone decide what is moral or otherwise; we alone decide on our own future or its significance". What do you think?

Meursault and the Present

Anyone notice how Meursault seems to be consistently in the present, mainly concerned with intaking and describing sensory data? Any comments?

Monday, October 6, 2008


Hey guys,

So in adv. lit. survey we read that last page about Camus view on death..well i agree with some of what he wrote..i just kinda wanted to get a blog going about this just to see peoples opinion. O and i started reading some of the stranger its actually pretty good.