Monday, we'll be discussing what "existential themes" really are. After our discussion, do you feel that you sometimes (or perhaps, most of the time) view the world as one who considered him/herself an existentialist does? Please explain.
While I would probably never refer to myself as an existentialist, there are certain existentialist views I really identify with. I certainly agree with the idea that our choices make up who we are and that we MUST take responsibility for them. I find that too many people try to hide behind the idea that "people are better than the mistakes they make." That saying sounds good, but I think it's a huge cop-out. You made the choice, so own up to it.
I don't agree, however, with the idea that there is no meaning in the world other than the meaning we give it. Perhaps I'm simply young and blissfully ignorant, but I refuse to believe there's not a higher purpose for us all to be here. A world in that which that is true would be a very depressing world indeed.
I agree with bombilla. I dont think that I am an existentialist but I do think that I can identify with some of their views. And at the same time I disagree with a couple of their views. Like the whole theres no meaning to the world. If there is no meaning then why would we be here? I personally believe there is a purpose for everything that happens. I feel like im just rambling on about nothing that has to do with extentialism so im just going to stop haha.
And I agree with bombilla and rock lobster. I do believe that you have to take personal responsibility for the choices you make. And I totally agree with the idea of throwness, only I see it as "everything happens for a reason" in accordance to God's plan, but I still think it's applicable.
However, everywhere else I differ. Well I do think we live in a dissapointing world, but I also believe that there is something better out there.
And I even think that there is some validity to the idea that there is no meaning in the world except that which we give it. I mean, I think God gives meaning to my life, but I also think that life can be "what you make of it".
Like everyone else, i don't want to consider mmyself and existentialist. But, i think some of the qualities of an existentialist could be found in many people. I like things to happen in a certain way and i like to have control over my world. But i would not live my life day to day to make sure that this happens. I think that taking responsibilities for our actions is something we all need to do, like Meursault does when he shoots the Arab. But, i don't think it is something that our generation has been taught to do.
I actually would consider myself an existentialist. There is too much in this world that you can't control and you can't explain, but you do have control over yourself, your actions, your behaviors,etc. and you have to own them. Be who you are, and be okay with it-no apologies. Too many people live to please other people and they find that they never lived the life they wanted to becuase they were too busy living a life that others approved. I think existentialism is about taking control of your "destiny" and recognizing that you can't control anything else around you.
Rock Lobster, you are too, too hard on yourself. I'd love to read more of your posts!!!!
Bombilla, who are you? I don't have a paper for you. Please make yourself known tomorrow so that I can give you well-deserverd points for your well-written and thought-provoking commentary.
I think humans have a brain which lets them decide for themselevs what is right and wrong. i don't beileve in any sort of predestiny in fact i think life is a mtter of being at the right place at the right time...(throwness implied) 15 minutes can make a difference. Chance meetings, jobs that otherwise would have already been taken, classes with the friends and teachers you love that could have already been filled,houses sold, our entire lives are based on being at the right place at the right time...and making those choices that lead us there.
the more i learn about the ideals of existentialism, the more deeply interested i become. i feel like the completely contradictory nature and thought provoking depth of it all puts my once inexpressible belief into something more tangible. i agree with everything i have read on the subject, from the idea of responsibility to throwness to the "depressing" outlook on the meaningless of human existence. what others see as pessimistic and "godless" i see as fact and being realistic despite a yearning to believe something more. just because i want to believe that we all serve a purpose and that life is a beautiful and enthralling gift doesn't mean i do believe that. life is life and then you die. the end. blunt? yes. pessimistic? maybe a bit...but i feel better knowing that i have found something i truly do agree with.
Boo, it's interesting that you've taken existentialism to be such a dark and dreary philosophy. On the contrary, I find that it can be quite hopeful and uplifting. From what I understand, existentialists support the idea that the only meaning in life is the meaning that each individual discovers for himself (or herself -- I hope Tyson's smiling somewhere right now...). So person A might find meaning in one aspect of life, while person B might find meaning in a completely different aspect of life. It's simply something we have to discover for ourselves, and no two people's life meanings are the same. So while you could find that there is NO meaning to life and that life itself is absurd, you could also find that there IS, in fact, some meaning to life and choose to live with that in mind. This meaning you find could take its form in a number of different ways, and can even include God, if that's what you discover for yourself.
So, yes, existentialism CAN be a little depressing and Godless, but does it need to be that way? I certainly don't think so.
i think maybe you misunderstand my interpretation bombilla, which is more my own fault for not explaining myself better. i don't have a dark and dreary outlook. i do see hope. i'm not sitting in the corner of my basement with a switchblade and MCR blaring in the background. i do, however, feel that existentialism allows one to delve further into thoughts that are so often considered "dark" and see them as being factual instead of emotionally draining.
the idea behind the meaning of life. i'm going to sound cheesey for a second and merely say that i do believe life is what you make of it. but i also believe that no matter what, in the grand scheme of things, all our lives are rather insignificant. this is not depressing to me, it's merely a fact.
as you have stated yourself, existentialism can be taken in many different ways. we simply have our own ideas on what is important and what is true.
While I would probably never refer to myself as an existentialist, there are certain existentialist views I really identify with. I certainly agree with the idea that our choices make up who we are and that we MUST take responsibility for them. I find that too many people try to hide behind the idea that "people are better than the mistakes they make." That saying sounds good, but I think it's a huge cop-out. You made the choice, so own up to it.
I don't agree, however, with the idea that there is no meaning in the world other than the meaning we give it. Perhaps I'm simply young and blissfully ignorant, but I refuse to believe there's not a higher purpose for us all to be here. A world in that which that is true would be a very depressing world indeed.
I agree with bombilla. I dont think that I am an existentialist but I do think that I can identify with some of their views. And at the same time I disagree with a couple of their views. Like the whole theres no meaning to the world. If there is no meaning then why would we be here? I personally believe there is a purpose for everything that happens. I feel like im just rambling on about nothing that has to do with extentialism so im just going to stop haha.
And I agree with bombilla and rock lobster. I do believe that you have to take personal responsibility for the choices you make. And I totally agree with the idea of throwness, only I see it as "everything happens for a reason" in accordance to God's plan, but I still think it's applicable.
However, everywhere else I differ. Well I do think we live in a dissapointing world, but I also believe that there is something better out there.
And I even think that there is some validity to the idea that there is no meaning in the world except that which we give it. I mean, I think God gives meaning to my life, but I also think that life can be "what you make of it".
Like everyone else, i don't want to consider mmyself and existentialist. But, i think some of the qualities of an existentialist could be found in many people. I like things to happen in a certain way and i like to have control over my world. But i would not live my life day to day to make sure that this happens. I think that taking responsibilities for our actions is something we all need to do, like Meursault does when he shoots the Arab. But, i don't think it is something that our generation has been taught to do.
I actually would consider myself an existentialist. There is too much in this world that you can't control and you can't explain, but you do have control over yourself, your actions, your behaviors,etc. and you have to own them. Be who you are, and be okay with it-no apologies. Too many people live to please other people and they find that they never lived the life they wanted to becuase they were too busy living a life that others approved. I think existentialism is about taking control of your "destiny" and recognizing that you can't control anything else around you.
Rock Lobster, you are too, too hard on yourself. I'd love to read more of your posts!!!!
Bombilla, who are you? I don't have a paper for you. Please make yourself known tomorrow so that I can give you well-deserverd points for your well-written and thought-provoking commentary.
I think humans have a brain which lets them decide for themselevs what is right and wrong. i don't beileve in any sort of predestiny in fact i think life is a mtter of being at the right place at the right time...(throwness implied) 15 minutes can make a difference. Chance meetings, jobs that otherwise would have already been taken, classes with the friends and teachers you love that could have already been filled,houses sold, our entire lives are based on being at the right place at the right time...and making those choices that lead us there.
the more i learn about the ideals of existentialism, the more deeply interested i become. i feel like the completely contradictory nature and thought provoking depth of it all puts my once inexpressible belief into something more tangible. i agree with everything i have read on the subject, from the idea of responsibility to throwness to the "depressing" outlook on the meaningless of human existence.
what others see as pessimistic and "godless" i see as fact and being realistic despite a yearning to believe something more. just because i want to believe that we all serve a purpose and that life is a beautiful and enthralling gift doesn't mean i do believe that. life is life and then you die. the end. blunt? yes. pessimistic? maybe a bit...but i feel better knowing that i have found something i truly do agree with.
Boo, it's interesting that you've taken existentialism to be such a dark and dreary philosophy. On the contrary, I find that it can be quite hopeful and uplifting. From what I understand, existentialists support the idea that the only meaning in life is the meaning that each individual discovers for himself (or herself -- I hope Tyson's smiling somewhere right now...). So person A might find meaning in one aspect of life, while person B might find meaning in a completely different aspect of life. It's simply something we have to discover for ourselves, and no two people's life meanings are the same. So while you could find that there is NO meaning to life and that life itself is absurd, you could also find that there IS, in fact, some meaning to life and choose to live with that in mind. This meaning you find could take its form in a number of different ways, and can even include God, if that's what you discover for yourself.
So, yes, existentialism CAN be a little depressing and Godless, but does it need to be that way? I certainly don't think so.
i think maybe you misunderstand my interpretation bombilla, which is more my own fault for not explaining myself better. i don't have a dark and dreary outlook. i do see hope. i'm not sitting in the corner of my basement with a switchblade and MCR blaring in the background. i do, however, feel that existentialism allows one to delve further into thoughts that are so often considered "dark" and see them as being factual instead of emotionally draining.
the idea behind the meaning of life. i'm going to sound cheesey for a second and merely say that i do believe life is what you make of it. but i also believe that no matter what, in the grand scheme of things, all our lives are rather insignificant. this is not depressing to me, it's merely a fact.
as you have stated yourself, existentialism can be taken in many different ways. we simply have our own ideas on what is important and what is true.
Wow, Boo. I feel like I actually need to go find that switchblade you're talking about....I don't know why it seems I'm constantly at your throat!
Sorry if I offended you yet again!
lol no worries bombilla! no offense taken. it's nice to see different perspectives. sorry if i tend to sound a bit defensive.
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