Tuesday, September 8, 2009

"This is Hell, Dante, Not Your Personal Fantasy"

Here are some links to check out that will expand your knowledge about Dante and The Divine Comedy.

(This is one of the posts that you can choose to comment on.)


AutoBahnForAll said...

I took the Levels of Hell Test and ended up in purgatory. But the rightful circle I belong in is eight and nine because apparantly I am a liar and I am malicious and decietful (I dissent). But I repented and felt guilty and sorry for them so I don't have to spend an eternity in hell. I think it's interesting how Dante gives such seemingly small sins (small in my opinion) such a harsh punishment. I would think that violence and adultery would recieve worse punishment than deceitfulness.

Dona said...

Interesting. Why? Also, in light of what we know about Dante thus far, and the state of his psyche, why might he excuse adultery but say lying is the worst sin one can commit?

k-fizzlekins said...

because he for the most part excused his sins as being out of his control. while using the inferno to show the people who supported the pope even though he was corrupt were really bad sinners.

The Puzzler said...

"Into the mouth of the beast I head knowing of the dangers that await me."

Cool right? I just wanted to say a phrase I heard awhile ago in a literary speech that kind of reminded me of the "Divine Comedy." Anyway I looked at the sites listed and was pretty intrested by the time I had finished. I probably can't remeber how many times I took the levels of hell test bu I usually ended up back in the same place. Anybody like Limbo?

I also looked at what was to be the Dantes Inferno videogame. After watching the video I got pretty psyched to play it. The game looks cool and does closely relate Dantes travel through hell, facing his sins along the way. But the game I read does have some key points missing. I won't say what you'll just have to play the game.

AutoBahnForAll said...
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AutoBahnForAll said...

Plato- after further thought, I now see what you mean. Dante would excuse adultery because he himself is guilty of it. Since he is the author and the creator of this hell, he can make things whatever he wants them to be- thus excusing himself from his own sins. (which would make him a bit hypocritical, right?) Lying, to me, is more or less a sin of the conscience, an internal sin. True, it does affect your outside world, it will ultimately eat at your concsience inside. You know?

Dona said...

More and more as I reread these Cantos again this year, I am struck by the harsh and judgmental attitude of God/Vergil, and finally Dante. What do you think, DaniWall, do you have to become judgmental in oder to stop sinning? Or am I reading judgment for "hardening yourself to sin" when they don't mean the same thing?

AutoBahnForAll said...

I think becoming judgemental towards other's sins only makes a person go into denial about their own. It would be very hippocritical. I think becoming judgemental would only contribute to sin's never-ending cycle.

Kellie said...

I have a comment about judgement too!
I believe that judgement is not to be done by Christains because it is considered unholy. As a Christian, we are tought to be accepting of all people. However, how can you be accepting of everyone and still be human? I don't believe someone can be nonjudgemental 100% of the time. Human's are not perfect! It's as simple as that!

But my question is, if judgement is such a sin, then why does God get to judge the living and the dead (if a person is chosen to go to Heaven or Hell)? Isn't this what is not to be done?

Dona said...

That's my point, exactly, Kellie. I wonder--does all this negativity breed sin rather than eradicate it? If you're always being judged as a sinner, won't you eventually just try to be the best sinner you can be? I'm thinking about the Puritans in The Crucible, and this goes along with DaniWall's comment, too. If you judge others, you will end up denying your own sins exist.

goonie said...

I believe that it is in everybody's nature to judge.I think what determines whether we go to Heaven or Hell is if we do it excessively. Refering back to plato's comment about lying is the worst sin one can commit, according to Dante. Lying could lead to anything that, you the liar, would have to take sole responsibility for all of the following acts, good or bad, committed after you told the lie.

patrick said...

I just took the inferno test and ended up in level two. I guess that isn't so bad. At least ill be with cool people like cleopatra and achilles. The whole losing my senses for eternity is a little deppressing. I sure hope dante wasn't right with his potrayal of who will go to hell because i don't think i plan to change much in my life.

patrick said...

The link for the inferno video game would not come up so i looked it up on youtube. i made the mistake of eating lunch while watching the trailer... eww. There was a lot of disturbing images flashing in vivid detail. The trailer i watched was on the second layer of hell, lust. The developer said this level is half porno half horror movie. The major boss for the level was cleopatra.

While on youtube I also watched a clip of protesters in front of E3 (a video game convention). They were protesting the game and saying that hell should not be treated like a game. What do my fellow bloggers think about that?

Mrs. Coleman I think it would be neat to post this video but i dont know how.

Dona said...

I'll check into posting the video after I preview it. Hopefully, I will have time tonight to do that. Yes, that's a good question--about making hell a game.

Kellie said...

In some aspects yes I believe it is wrong to create a game about Hell, Patrick. It is mocking what people believe in. It more or less makes everyday life a game doesn't it? How can you take Hell seriously if there is a game that makes it seem like a faraway place that does not exist? It ruins all the fear people feel about Hell. If no one fears this dark afterlife then sins may become no big deal.
However,when students are learning about Dante's Inferno, a game is an awesome resource to use.It makes learning fun.

Celine Dion said...

Am I the only one who thinks the game adaptation of Dante's Inferno looks kind of ridiculous? I mean, it could be fun, but Dante isn't a poet in the game, he's a veteran of The Crusades. He's fighting his way through Hell, rather than just journeying and observing.

The way that they changed the character of Dante somewhat reminds me of this book Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. As the name implies, the book is an odd spin on Jane Austen's classic. While most of the original text is intact, several scenes of zombie battles were added to liven it up. It just seems like the developers of the game are doing the same thing: taking a classic and adding in some new, exciting details to get your attention.

Dona said...

I like your comparison to Pride Prejudice and Zombies. I have that book on deck to read for my book club--but as I understand it, the zombie scenes mirror what the repressed women in the book would LIKE to do to people that they are forced to be nice to because of societal rules.

between the bars said...

I took the test and was placed in the heretic level. I can't remember which number level it was but it was like 7 or 8. I think that is rediculous. I have never even doen anything crazy and here I am getting thrown into one of the lowest levels. This is why I can't believe hell exists because I don't see how anyone could do anything horrible enough to end up in hell. Unless you are Hitler, Ted Bundy, or some other psychopathic killer, then you deserve to be in heaven. Or the easiest option, just die and have no afterlife business to worry about. That way everybody wins. sort of.

goonie said...

I was placed in level six because I don't believe in God or an afterlife. I am okay with that, because I don't believe in Hell either. Between the Bars, if there were Heaven and Hell, don't you think that the psychopathic killers like Hitler and Ted Bundy would go to Heaven because the were mentally ill?

between the bars said...

No goonie, I don't think Hitler was mentally ill. I think he was a power hungry meanie. He is not in the same lines as Ted Bundy. Hitler knew he did something wrong thats why he killed himself. Ted Bundy could go to heaven maybe.