Thursday, October 1, 2009

Is This Russia?

On September 12, 2009, ten of thousands of protesters marched to the U.S. Capitol to express their disdain for the President's health care plan and government spending. Carrying slogans that read "Obamacare makes me sick" and "I'm not your ATM," protestors chanted "Enough, Enough!" Some protesters even carried pictures of Obama with the signature mustache of Adolf Hitler and referred to him as a socialist and communist. The idea of a government-run health care system has many concerned and worried about the future--their future and their children's future. And that concern has awakened the nation--encouraging citizens to seek the truth. What is the truth behind Obama's health care plan? Check out the below links.

Fact Check: Decoding Obama's Health Care Plan (Make sure you read the text pf the article--don't just watch the video. The text gives the opposing viewpoints to the video.)

The Truth--Lott's Numbers, Part II

The Obama Plan

Now--be sure to connect what you've read in these sources and what you've read of Marxist criticism in order to determine whether we are indeed, trending towards socialism in regards to the proposed health care plan. Remember to be very specific and to cite facts and examples--don't just spout off.


patrick said...

do i get a prize for blogging first? Anyway, i think it is necessary for the goverment to step in and do something about america's healthcare. I don't know if a "public option" is the best thing but it is obvious that something needs to be done. The costs of going to the doctor or hospital have gotten outrageous. It is rediculous that a hospital can charge so much money for even the little things.

The public option doesn't sound like a bad idea though. As long as it didn't get to cheap and knock out all the other providers. Who is going to pay for this service? The taxpayers or can it be run off the money that people pay for it? I believe that everyone with a steady job deserves some kind of coverage and right now that is not happening.

XoxKatieXox said...
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XoxKatieXox said...

I think having a public option is certainately a good thing because it allows Americans to have the option to keep their current healthcare plan. In the last article about the Obama plan, it was talking about how Americans were concerned as to how America was going to pay for this healthcare reform. The plan states that it "Won’t add a dime to the deficit and is paid for upfront". I think this is a good idea in theory, but will we really have enough money to cover the 1.2-1.6 trillion dollar cost this plan will envoke without actually raising taxes? I'm not sure.
I do like how the plan said that it will prevent insurance companies from dropping coverage when people need it the most. This has been a real problem with regular insurance companies in the past. The companies have dropped people in order to save themselves money, but I am wondering, if the insurance covers everyone for every condition(which I do think is a good idea), how can we not expect our taxes not to go up to pay for these high-cost procedures?
I believe that Obama is trying to reinstate the idea from the Marxist chapter that "everyone is equal" and if everyone is equal then we should all reap the same benefits as one another, including healthcare for all.I think this plan is good in theory, I'm just wondering how we are going to pay for it.

AutoBahnForAll said...

I agree with Katie, on how things are trying to be equalized. It's that whole "share the wealth" ideology.
I think the idea of a public option is great, there can be healthcare for all and it wont be domineering. The thing that gets me every time in this healthcare debacle is the part about "pre-existing conditions."
This could be anything, from certain medical disorders to victims of domestic violence and abuse. That's CRAZY! That somebody who has clearly been a VICTIM is denied insurance and healthcare, it seems almost discriminatory. I thought the United States was about wholesomeness and helping those in need.
I mean, I have even seen people protesting. Anyone pass that gas station by Chevy's at K&N on a Saturday afternoon? A lot of people (of the same age and race demographic, mind you) waving American flags and holding posters "Obama walks on water while we all drown", or the ones about Obama being a communist. It's all over.

You can see some of these articles on pre-existing conditions for yourself:

Kellie said...

I do not believe the healthcare plan will immediately take us towards a socialist nation.This is only health care we are talking about. Just because everyone in the country will have insurance does not create equality in every aspect amongst each citizen. The part of the plan that I fear is what will happen to the private insurance companies if the public option is a choice for consumers. Even though Obama says in the video that the government and insurance companies will be on a “level playing field,” it is hard for me to believe that the government’s plan won’t out shine that of the private companies. If the government gains control in this field what companies may be next on their agenda to create a more equal society? I also fear for the healthcare packages that involve companies that give their employees benefits. It may be cheaper to have employees individually receive healthcare from the government rather than through their company, school district, etc. This may result in the elimination of private insurers. I also see the Marxist power struggle that our critical theory book refers to. The two groups competing for power are the government and the private insurance companies. If the government begins to offer a public option, who is to say how long it will take before they gain all of the power over health insurance and permanently take the control away from the privately owned businesses? Could this loss of business for private insurers result in an uprising against the government?

WorldUnCn said...

I think that we shouldn’t have the health care plan. What is going to happen to the taxes. If you look at Canada and there taxes it’s a lot different. And they say that our taxes aren’t going to race but how are we going to pay the 1.2-1.6 trillion dollars that the health care plan is going to cost. I can buy a book in the U.S. for 7.99 and in Canada it’s 8.99. now I’m not saying that that dollar is only because of health care in Canada but it is still something. Then the fact that people might have to wait weeks to even go to the doctor.
Then the public option part. What about the people that aren’t going to pick the heath care plane and are staying with their old plan are they going to have to pay for their heath care and someone else’s. Or will nothing change with them?

Dona said...

Kellie, you make some interesting points--well-said--and your comments also lend themselves to more research and response.

R said...

Alrighty, well first of all I need to address the point that if the government's insurance out lasts the private insurer's my biggest fear would be that if the private insurance agencies go out of business, what does that mean for waiting lists on government insurance, I mean if there isn't much competition that means more claims on the governments plate, and what if they can't process all of them, and I am afraid because when I get older, I won't have social security to fall back on, so I want to make sure we get it right now, I am sure we are all familiar with the waiting lists in countries with universal health care, so what about America, if our insurance becomes cheaper won't more people take advantage of it? Even if I can afford it, what if I can't even see a doctor? I am truly scared for my future, because I have a standing medical condition that I have to live with, and if I can't get immediate help when I need it, I could suffer and possibly die, so I am not going to pretend I know whats best, because until we try this plan we can't know it's effects, but it would be nice to have an emergency reversal plan in place to reset the pieces, should the proposed health care plan go wrong, but I really don't know what to do, and honestly I am very scared. "And that's all I've got to say about that."

~just me~ said...

To me this health care plan sounds like it might turn out to be a cash cow for the government. Kind of like in Florida—and other places—(can’t remember which road) how they say there will be a toll, but only until the construction is paid off, yet the toll booths remain long past the money is collected.

There is always going to be social programs that requires funding that are produced by the government in hopes to free up a few dollars.

~just me~ said...
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k-fizzlekins said...

Isn't the possibility of a government takeover of health care worth it as it will end discriminatory policies and cut costs? I mean those nasty insurance companies are simply taking advantage of people for profit, profit's not the only important thing in life. We all deserve a fair chance and should be able to rely on those more able then us if we need help.

k-fizzlekins said...

Not to be rude Anonymous but that seems very ideal, as i understand the current health care reform bill 3200 will not be deficit neutral over the next 10 years according to the congressional Budget Office.

Why not open up the health care market between states? Right now providers can only server people in their state, so your only able to choose from around 6 companies instead of the 150 across the U.S.
If President Obama wants to create competition that is the way to do it.

Trough a marxist lens the goverment wants to increase its power, not simply cut costs. This can be seen in two things, the creation of an exchange which will be government controlled, and
that there is no Tort reform in any bill in congress. Tort reform would cut costs by reducing the number of tests run on each person simply to prevent hospitals form potentially being sued.

The Puzzler said...

Hey everyone the Puzzlers back and ready to respond! From what I've read and watch from the link provided I've got a pretty strong idea about how things are being run. Don't get me wrong I had my own opinion about Obama's healthcare plan before I read the article, it just refreshed my brain.

Where I see us now in the society regarding the healthcare subject is that the government is trying to help the best they can, but its never good enough for us and that makes the American public question the Presidents and Governments authority. From what I read and watched in the link was that Obama was trying to explain all the seperate paths in the Healthcare plan that could allow Americans their freedom in healthcare. I think the fact that were being taxed a little is making us made because we've been saved from so many others that could of gone on but were stopped.

I think the healthcare plan is kind of on a "balance beam," it ca go either way based on how we react to it. The "taxing issue," is going to be there no matter what. We may not like it but it will be. Another reason why people will shift over to the negative side of the beam, is because of how Obama may explain things, making some sense but not really answring questions.

Anyway thats what I think about the Obama Healthcare plan. I think in the end it'll work out, but I see that it will take a lot more to convince the American public. Well see ya

absolutelyido said...

To the Puzzler: I totally agree with your balance beam analogy. I think that a public option can be extremely beneficial and necessary to citizens as a whole. However, like Katie, I wonder how we will be able to fund it all.

It's definetely worth a try though, because right now we need to try something new. Like Patrick said, as long as something happens it will be good. So, if the idea right now is to start the public option, then so be it.

In the first link with the video and text, there is a large controversry on whether or not a public option would level the playing field, or skew it. I believe that some kind of government influence (be it the public option or not) can only level the playing field. In the video, they say that the game can't be played by the referee- but i must say that I disagree. Who would play it better than the person who knows it best? And doesn't our country deserve the best?

Celine Dion said...

This healthcare plan sounds very appealing to me on paper, as my family has had experience with the stinginess of certain insurance companies.

Before this year, both of my parents were self-employed. Because of this, it was very hard for my family to find any sort of health coverage. We finally found something for my father, my brothers, and I, but the company would not cover my mother, because she is bipolar. I don't understand why she should be denied for having a condition she can't help. It was terrible. I remember seeing my mom on the phone with the company, crying, and I thought it was the worst thing.

On top of that, the insurance company we were with denied almost all of our claims. I went to the doctor with a sprained wrist, and the company refused to cover it. I went in with a bad case of the flu, and they denied our claim. It was ridiculous.

Maybe we were just with a bad provider, but because of the lunacy of the company, my mom ended up getting a job at Starbuck's, almost entirely for the company health plan. We are all happily covered now, but my mom had to get a job with a major corporation in order to get coverage, giving up her independence. What of all the small business owners in the United States who are uninsured because they can't find coverage? How can we believe in the American dream (anyone can rise to the top) if the people trying to succeed are in potential danger? That just leads to the rich staying at the top and the contenders being inundated with overwhelming health costs, preventing them from succeeding monetarily.

In short, I believe we need more government regulation of the private companies to keep them doing the job they exist to do, and we need the public option for those who have trouble getting/paying for private insurance. Sorry for this huge post.

Colby-WanKenobi said...

I think health care needs to be reformed, and while the public option isn't 100% perfect, I think it's a step in the right direction. I don't believe the United States will ever have a completely universal health care system, that option seems off the table.

The biggest argument the republicans hold against the public option is that it will undercut and eventually run all of the other insurance companies out of business and everyone will be forced to use the public option. I don't think that will happen, and in fact believe a public option could have positive effects on the health care industry, adding competition to insurance companies and making prices lower and more affordable for people. Not running them into the ground, just making the prices lower.

Also I was shown this by a friend a few days ago, it lays out what exactly this health care debate is pretty thoroughly and breaks it down so it's simple to understand:

goonie said...

I don't understand what the American people are so scared about. No matter what , if you walk into a hospital they have to treat you. They can't just send you out the door. Yeah you might have a hefty hospital bill if you don't have insurance but who is going to come knocking on your door if you can't pay for it?

The American people expect to have libraries, postal service, trash picked up, parks and roads and highways. These are all run by the government with no questions asked, so shouldn't the government offer free health care for people that can't afford it?

Have Americans become so numb that we don't want everyone to be able to enjoy life? What if all that were opposed to the health care reform suddenly found themselves with out health care? You just have to be able to put yourself in someone elses shoes and be able to have compassion, even if your taxes were raised a little bit.

Private insurers are the elites in the health care system. They pretty much decide who lives and who dies based on who they decide to provide insurance for.I think that the power struggle is to bring the private insurers down to a level where average American people will be able to afford health care. Which I am okay with.

between the bars said...

I watched the slide show of the napkin that colby wan kenobi put up and I was all for the government stepping in and helping,and that just clarified the whole argument. Right now we are for sure going to get coverage for every citizen of America, it's just different ways to pay for it that is causing the problem. At least that's what the slide said. I think that we should go with the public option because I don't think it's going to drive private insurance companies out of business, and even if it does for a few, then I don't care.

I feel like there are a lot of horror stories about people being denied claims and the companies made billions in profits in the recession. That shows that they cannot manage themselves, and it also shows they haven't been doing their job, or at least not doing a very good job at keeping the costs from rising. The napkin slide thing showed that there were three options right now and the one that most republicans are for is the one that insurance companies have been spending all of their money to back. With that option the companies could still make profits in the billions. I think americans need the public option because that is going to put the most restrictions on these companies and offer competition which will stop these companies from abusing the system. This is health CARE. They are supposed to be looking out for us, not using us for our money.

elizab said...

At first I was against the universal healthcare plan. Now I am warming up to it, mostly because of public option. My family has a very good healthcare plan from the Carpenters district council. I wouldn't want my family's healthcare plan taken away for another, much worse plan that every other person must follow. I wouldn't want to follow the healthcare plan without public option for two reasons. One, it would be more expensive and much less convenient. Two, I would feel less like an individual. I would know that in yet another area of society, people are all being pushed through the same door. However, public option gives my family the ability to stay on the same plan, while others, who are more unfortunate will get the help they need for much lower costs. In see it as a win-win situation and I guess time will tell how it turns out.

Acdc5052 said...

Personally i dont think that it is fair to compare Obama to hitler. i dont think people realize that he is trying to help everyone and even if its not exactly what they want he is doing the best he can at president. after all isnt it his job to try and come up with all these solutions to America's problems? everyone is judging him to much on what they think is right, when in reality obama is trying to make it right for as many people as possible.
Obama isnt trying to take away health care that people have now, he is trying to make it more affordable and easier for people. he isnt going to let the government force people to change plans if they dont want to, and the public option is a good idea so that the people have more of a say in there lives. i dont think that obama is in any way trying to push us towards a socialist nation by making everyone have insurance. i think he is actually trying to help people because he knows what it is like to be on the short end of the stick growing up poor. i think its ridiculous how much people are blowing this out of proportion.. after all even if it doesnt work the worst that can happen is that we go back to what we have now.

fishie fish said...

I'm still not to sure how I feel about the whole thing. Sure it looks fabulous on paper, but doesnt communism too? (not saying that we are turning communist, just using it as a reference point.) And then it all goes back to the age old question expressed here, Where is the money coming from to pay for this? I agree there needs to be a solution for the families that have nothing. But im not sure what that solution is yet. I think that deciding how to fix this is a tough decision for everyone to make, and that Obama and law makers are under alot of pressure. I mean could you imagine trying to decide how to equalize health care without pissing off over a million people, all with different opinions on how this should be done? Thats one tough call to make. I guess I'm getting away from the point here. Overall, I think public option is succesful, would be a better route. That way atleast the American population can choose whats best for them.